Jun 10, 2005
Today me and Pat woke up pretty early and started to walk the streets alone (figuratively speaking.) Stopped in this coffeehaus right by the trolley tracks in Dublin. Best fucking cup of coffee I have ever had. Then moved on to checking into our next hostel and I know I shouldn't say this because I am happily in a relationship but that receptionist was fucking hot. All day Pat proceeded to talk about the filthy acts he would do to her after he roofies her... licking her butthole, hocking a luggie down her anus, farting in her eyes, you know all that mess. Dublin was pretty sweet though, I went into this one head shop where they were playing some song that sounded like booty bass that went something like "Pop that pussy, pop, pop that pussy,"saw a bunch of fucking viking shit which again brings me back to how awesome Burzum is. After walking around the viking area me and pat spent probably 3 hours in a Tower Records which is still in business seeing how it is the past here. We bided our time checking out the metal section, reading this awesome black metal book, looking at some weird euro zines (picture like music and art meets porn?) and checking out the DVD's. After walking around all day we were fucking tired so we decided Iron Man would be a good choice...it was. That movie fucking ruled hard, who would've guessed two iron mans! Anyway after that we went back to the hostel Pat went to sleep, I watched the end of the football game, I forget who was playing and I wasn't really paying attention then slept pretty peacefully until my drunk ass bunkmate came fucking stumbling in at like 2AM, I think he even fell out of his bunk at one point.
Today's adventure to be updated tonight.